Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Bubble List: 31 Things My Sons Should Be Able to Do Before They Move Out | Emily Mendell

The Bubble List: 31 Things My Sons Should Be Able to Do Before They Move Out | Emily Mendell: "Darn. In helping him arrange his evening, I had missed a teachable moment.

The parental slip got me thinking about all of the lessons my boys have yet to learn before they leave the nest and frankly, the list I came up with in a minute's time left me a little panicked. So, in an effort to maintain some semblance of control of a situation over which I have none, I created 'the bubble list.'

Since we grownups have a bucket list of things we must do before we kick the bucket, our kids have a bubble list of things they must do before they leave the bubble of our home and our protection."

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Brigid Schulte’s Overwhelmed and our epidemic of busyness.

Brigid Schulte’s Overwhelmed and our epidemic of busyness.: "To be deep in the overwhelm requires not just doing too many things in one 24-hour period but doing so many different kinds of things that they all blend into each other and a day has no sense of distinct phases. Researchers call it “contaminated time,”"

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The Overprotected Kid - The Atlantic

The Overprotected Kid - The Atlantic: "A preoccupation with safety has stripped childhood of independence, risk taking, and discovery—without making it safer. A new kind of playground points to a better solution."

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