Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 Wheezy List

This is an old tradition with Jenna, going back to before I met her many years ago…  We pick ten celebrities that, for whatever reason, we don’t expect to make it through the New Year.

2012:  http://suburbaneschatology2.blogspot.com/2012/01/2012-wheezy-lists.html

She has some arcane scoring system, but I don’t know what it is.  Essentially, the elderly and the walking dead only get partial points.

Some names are pretty random, picking the long shots…

No prizes, just a vague feeling of superiority at besting the other competitors.

Our picks for this year (in no particular order)…


  1. Lindsey Lohan
  2. Charlie Sheen
  3. Charlie Watts
  4. George H.W. Bush 
  5. Madeline Albright 
  6. Walter Koeing (Chekov)
  7. Paris Hilton 
  8. Bob Dole 
  9. Gladys Knight
  10. B. B. King 


  1. Cher
  2. Willie Nelson
  3. Tom Cruise
  4. Hillary Clinton
  5. William Shatner
  6. Leonard Nimoy
  7. Henry Winkler
  8. Madonna
  9. Dolly Parton
  10. Kim Kardashian


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